Primary Job

  January, 2011 - Present: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Macau) Limited, Financial Technology Department, Assistant General Manager
Projects: Intelligent Branch, Mobile Banking, E-Wallet, Online Payment System, Securities Trading System, Marketing System, Point Of Sale (POS) System, etc.
Main Responsibilities: Financial system innovation design, project resource evaluation, requirement analysis, project planning and monitoring, ensuring the completion of each stage of the project as planned, team management, leading the team throughout the project lifecycle and summarizing work performance, timely communication with customers on project progress, ensuring that customer requirements are met at all levels.
Drawing upon my profound understanding of financial business systems, I have consistently delivered tailored system-level solutions that cater to the specific needs of partner companies, particularly large-scale enterprises. Notably, my achievements include, but are not limited to, integrating robust online payment infrastructures, implementing loyalty point systems, conducting insightful analysis of customer consumption data, and developing predictive models for merchants of varying scales in Macau. My track record reflects my ability to deliver effective and innovative financial system solutions, making significant contributions to the growth and success of the organizations I collaborate with.
  June, 2006 - January, 2011: HSBC Global Technology China (GuangDong) Ltd., Enterprise and Financial Institutions Business Department, Information Technology Officer
Project: Corporate Securities Trading System
Platform: AS400
Related Technologies: ILE RPG/CL
Main Responsibilities: Project resource evaluation, requirement analysis, program design, coding, guiding colleagues in coding, participating in coding when needed, checking design, coding, unit test cases and test results, testing, writing test plans and strategies, verifying test results, and conducting random tests, project planning and monitoring, ensuring the completion of each stage of the project as planned, team management, leading the team throughout the project lifecycle and summarizing work performance, customer communication, timely communication with customers on project progress, ensuring timely project handover, ensuring that customer requirements are met at all levels, following group standards for project production and production environment support.
  July, 2003 – June, 2006, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Software Development Center, Programmer
Projects: Parameter Management System, Mainframe Adjustment System
Platform: Sun Saloris
Related Technologies: IBM WSAD / JSP / JavaScript / J2EE / Oracle
Main Responsibilities: Requirement analysis, program design, coding, self-checking design and coding, completing related unit tests, supporting joint debugging tests, comprehensive tests, and final user tests, optimizing user interfaces and related functions, optimizing the system based on user feedback and new requirements.

Secondary Role

  January, 2019 - Present: ICBC & University of Macau Join Research Laboratory , Coordinator and Head
Projects: Pattern Classification, Trend Prediction, Blockchain, Link Analysis, Credit Scoring, Precision Marketing
Main Responsibilities: In my capacity as the coordinator of the joint research lab between ICBC and the University of Macau, my primary responsibilities encompass directing a wide range of innovative projects. These span diverse areas such as pattern classification, machine learning, blockchain research, link analysis, big data applications, and precision marketing, to name a few. My role involves supervising these projects, ensuring their alignment with strategic goals, and managing the overall research progress.